Summer 2014 has arrived: Z Studio serves up beautiful brows
The winter coats, scarves and boots are tucked away until next season as we say goodbye to the once desired, sweater weather. Summer is here and we’re just as excited as the next person, however, we know there is some summer beauty preparation that needs to be had, starting with the eye brows!
Shaken or stirred, Z Studio is ensuring all brows are beautiful by serving up 2014’s Summer Beauty Cocktails, perfect for the first pool party of the season. Color brightened, highlights touched up, shine by a glossing service; whatever your hair is needing, our color bar has got it! After that, enjoy a brow wax on us!
Visit Z Studio… The Art of Hair… Lets mix up your perfect blend and top it off with a FREE brow wax. Consider this your invite to the party of the season! We’ll be seeing you soon!